Tuesday, 20 June 2017

Evolis Zenius Plastic ID Card Printing System

ID Card Printing System for Unique Plastic Business Cards

Stand out in a crowd with unique, personalized color business cards with photo-quality resolution!

Plastic cards: a professional, sophisticated and novel accessory

Plastic ID Card Printing

Get your business cards printed on plastic, and stand out above competition. This material is:

a) Unique
b) Sturdy
c) Personalized on demand
d) In color and with photo-quality printing

1. The Evolis printers for plastic cards can personalize and print all your cards swiftly.

2. Flexibility, reliability and efficiency: get them all with Evolis ID card printing system.

3. With Evolis card printers, you personalize and print your business cards whenever required, singly or in runs:-

a- As and when a new employee joins your company
b- When an employee is promoted to a new position
c- For periodically updating your contact details

4. You are autonomous in printing business cards for your staff, on demand and instantly.

An Evolis ID card printing system for your business cards

Evolis card printers provide the flexibility, sturdiness and print quality expected by users. Evolis offers an extended range of plastic card printers, and we have the right solution for all your specific needs.

Evolis recommends you Zenius card printer to make your business cards:

Single side card - printing
Photo Quality - resolution (300 DPI) Magnetic stripe encoder, smart card contact station, smart card encoder and contactless smart card encoder. Other encoders available upon request.
2-Year warranty - (card printer and print head)

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